Patricia Daly
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My Mission
I am on a Mission to teach Young Adult Musicians the tools they need to up-level their Confidence because my Vision is a growing community of Confident Performing Artists, who are Excelling in their Music creating an impact of Inspiration in the world!
The reason WHY this work is important to me: I know how debilitating it can be to lack the confidence to get out there and deeply connect in the music because I, Patricia Daly developed a health condition in my early teens that held me back for years. Today I provide artists the tools and techniques to Empower Confidence!
The way I do that is providing a learning Platform for an emerging group of artists who are putting themselves and their music out into the world!
The reason WHY this is important to my students is… I’m teaching them the tools and training to get out of their own way and let their musical confidence shine through. What I am providing through my confidence coaching is the opposite of what they stand to lose or miss out on when they are stuck in no confidence.

What People Say About Patricia
“Patricia, you’ll be delighted to hear that with your support, our work together and lessons I’ve learned, I’m now living a very content life in many areas. You have been a very special part of my journey of Wellness and have taught me how to ‘show up’ in many ways. I have created a very happy and healthy relationship with myself. I’ve worked through resentments and learned to forgive. Our work together has been the backbone of this. I’ve learnt not only to love my body but respect it too! I’m like a different woman! You’re magnificent. Thank you”
— Ciara
“I never used this approach before! I find it very beneficial in having more confidence in myself because I know when I am expressing from my heart my voice sounds better. Each time I face the challenge of fear and anxiety I will turn this into an opportunity by catching the thought, focus on my body as an instrument put all that congealed energy down into source spot and let the new connection come out through my heart as a confident expression of myself”
— Olivia

About Patricia Daly
Patricia Daly is a Powerful Sought after Confidence Coach for Musicians! She helps you overcome fear, unlock your CREATIVE potential and perform with CONFIDENCE.
Patricia has played for dignitaries such as the Pope and U.S. & Irish Presidents, but she also once struggled with the debilitating mental health condition Epilepsy that held her back emotionally, mentally and physically for 20 years living a mediocre life of Self Doubt, Inhibition Fear and No CONFIDENCE!
Patricia has a UNIQUE STYLE teaching musicians how to Embody Confidence, connect to their soul’s higher purpose, heal through music and transform their audience to joyousness.