Do you get nervous to play your music instrument in front of others?

5-Steps To Creating

The Confident Musician

By Patricia Daly – The Confidence Coach For Musicians

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I have three questions for You...

If any (or all) of the above question, you said yes  – you are in the right place.

What if I told you that I can actually teach you how to focus, connect and feel more confident playing your instrument in public.


5-Steps To Creating

The Confident Musician

This Groundbreaking Signature Coaching Method Will Help You Break Through Your Fears Of Not Being Good Enough So That You Can Play Your Instrument Before Audiences With Renewed Confidence, Precision and Artistic Excellence.

BEFORE The Signature Coaching Method:

AFTER The Signature Coaching Method:

Designed specifically for musicians who dream of one day owning the stage but believe that they don’t have the capability to do so. Teachers And Musicpreneurs.

Interested, but have some questions?

The Promise

As a result of working through this Process you will have learned the tools and practices that teach you how to CONFIDENTLY play your instrument before audiences regardless of the setting.

Attend This

Signature Coaching Method & Discover

About Patricia

Patricia is a confidence coach for musicians. She’s a harpist and pianist, and has played for the pope, royalty and U.S. and Irish Presidents.

She helps artists breakthrough fear of not being good enough so that they confidently share their unique gift of music with the world.

The Confident Musician Process/Guide was designed for performing artists, aspiring artists, teachers and musicpreneurs who struggle with confidence, fear of failure and lack of self-worth performing their music before others.

Patricia experienced a mental health condition in her early teens that held her back for twenty years, so she knows how debilitating it feels to be living from a place of fear and she also knows the FREEDOM that lies on the other side of that fear.

She was able to have a massive comeback that has allowed her transformation from having no confidence to anchored in unwavering confidence!

Read Pauline Story

Before Pauline started working with Patricia Daly she struggled with a paralyzing fear believing others were judging her and this translated into a nervous anxiety which created tightness and tension in the upper part of her body.

She suffered sweaty palms and debilitating panic attacks when… in her words… “surrounded by too much silence” unlocking deep memories of shame and guilt.

All of this held her back emotionally, mentally and physically creating lack of Confidence.

The reason Pauline decided to work with Patricia was to find Calm, Clarity and Confidence.

Pauline has had a massive comeback! Her confidence is so much better.

Pauline’s Transformation:

Through their work together Patricia has coached Pauline in a life transition from being stuck at a roadblock to having a massive breakthrough!

In Pauline’s own words:

“OMG how did you just do that! I can hear the difference in myself and my confidence is so much better.”

”I never used this approach before! I find it very beneficial in having more confidence in myself because I know when I am expressing from the heart chakra my voice sounds better. Each time I face the challenge of fear and anxiety I will turn this into an opportunity by….catching the thought. focus on my body as a flute and the seven energy points … put all that congealed energy down into Source Spot and let the new connection come out through my heart as a Confident Expression of Myself.”